We are all about real estate technology. Of course, part of that includes the people dedicating their lives to technology in the real estate industry — technology entrepreneurs. We’ve interviewed technology founders such as Austin Allison, Jim Marks, Benn Rosales, and more. You can read all our prior interviews here: https://geekestateblog.com/category/interviews/

Are you a founder (past or present) in the real estate vertical, and would like to be featured? If so, please complete the following steps:

1. 5 Questions & Headshot

  • What do you do?
  • Why do you do what you do?
  • What are you most excited about right now?
  • What’s next for you?
  • What’s a cause you’re passionate about and why? (non work related)

Each interview includes a headshot — at least 100 x 100 in size.

Email both your responses, and a headshot to Mike Price.

2. Join the Geek Estate Community

Part of our goal, is to connect the founder community locally. This gives you the ability to engage with them locally. We’re helping you figure out which other real estate geeks are nearby via a location aware community member page. In order to be featured on Geek Estate, we ask that you join the community page. The user flow is still a work in progress, but there are three main steps:

  1. Login to Oh Hey World at http://www.ohheyworld.com/users/sign_in (FB recommended, but not required)
  2. Check-in to whatever city you are currently in
  3. Visit the “Geek Estate” community, click join, answer the two questions, then complete. You’ll need to visit this URL manually to find it: http://www.ohheyworld.com/communities/geek-estate

Drew Meyer’s new application, Horizon, is specifically being built for this use case of finding trusted contacts (in this case, real estate geeks/founders) by location. You can join the Geek Estate Insiders FB group to prepare for the app’s upcoming release.

Get in Touch to be Featured

PS: Drew and his team provide application development services, let him know if need help designing or improving your product, let him know.