virtual resultsIn our latest Meet the Real Estate Tech Entrepreneur interview, we’re speaking with Jim Marks at Virtual Results. He’s certainly no stranger — without a doubt, I can say I know Jim better than any other entrepreneur I’ve profiled over the past couple months. Of course, part of that is due to the fact that I worked for him for a year — regardless, stoked to get his answers posted so you all have a chance to get to know him a bit better.

Here’s a bit more about Jim from his own mouth…

1) What do you do?

Jim-MarksI am a Geek. No really. I seem to love stuff that others don’t. In High School, I disliked most the classes others liked, but would wake up excited for my math classes. I think by the time I was a Junior in High School I was through 2nd year Calculus. Geek.

Today, I am an Internet Marketing Analyst for Virtual Results. I study Real Estate consumers to see what makes them search, click, call or self-identify. We look for trends, and test, and test, and test.  Then we create websites, and Inbound Marketing strategies to ensure that our clients dominate the Internet.

2) Why do you do what you do?

I love it.  Really, when I was a kid, I was lost…kind of a Rebel.  LOVE brought me back…  It was Lisa…  ah… Lisa…  The APPLE Lisa. My neighbor had one. It became my obsession, I would literally use that thing 12 hours a day, then PCs, then…..  the Internet.  I was always half Geek and half Entrepreneur. The Internet was Xanadu for me because it was both technologically interesting, and I knew I could use it to sell stuff. Hooked.

3) What are you most excited about right now?

This year, we have seen the drastic change in Internet consumer behavior in a long time. Because of the analytics we have had in place for so long, on so many sites (we secretly have to have the most diverse set of analytics in the Industry)…we are watching it happen in real time. Inbound marketing is changing…and fast.  Social is FINALLY coming into its own and a valuable and necessary marketing tool. The Semantic Web looks promising. We are creating and testing new strategies for our clients, and we just released the best fully responsive themes we have ever done. We feel like we are making  REAL inbound marketing affordable for any agent or broker that wants an Internet presence.

4) What’s next for you?

Virtual Results is in a really cool place right now. We have built this reputation as a no BS Internet Marketing agency that gets serious results…as the guys that DO THE WORK. There are no shortage of companies that “give advice” or help agents. But we DO THE WORK. This has really caught the eye of a lot of other providers in this space. We have been approached this year to work with a ton of other providers doing super cool integrations and hybrid products. This is exciting to me. Basically, we are able to BECOME a Brokers entire Internet Marketing department. Start to Finish. We do all the work, we are responsible for the results. I love this idea. We do Internet Marketing… you sell Real Estate.

5) What’s a cause you’re passionate about and why?

Well, many. But currently I am doing work with a Dog Rescue Shelter in LA. It is SO amazing. Leslie Zipkin Brog owns the Rescue. She and her team literally get up every day, go kill shelter to kill shelter and save dogs that are “close to the end of their stay.” They take them home, get them healthy, find them a foster home…and then a permanent home. There are LOTS of great charities. But this one is so visceral. Imagine, these dogs are days or hours from being euthanized and then like a pardon from the Governor. Plucked out and saved.

Thanks to Jim for sharing his motivations and current projects. If you’re interested in connecting with him further, you can find Jim on Oh Hey World, Twitter, and LinkedIn.

We’ll be featuring other real estate tech entrepreneurs in the coming weeks. If you are an entrepreneur in the real estate vertical (past or present), and want to be profiled, please sign up for an OHW account and add “real estate tech entrepreneurs” as an interest on your profile — then shoot me an email (drew at ohheyworld).