Meet the Real Estate Tech Founder: Mark Armstrong from RateMyAgent
In our latest real estate tech entrepreneur interview, we’re speaking with Mark Armstrong from RateMyAgent.
Without further ado…
Who are you and what do you do?
Mark Armstrong, CEO and co-founder of RateMyAgent a platform that helps agents collect, share and promote their best customer reviews.
We’re new to the States but in our home country of Australia we’re the leading agent review platform. We have 80 percent of agents using us, over 600,000 reviews in total, and reviews for 1 in 3 homes sold nationally.
What problem does your product/service solve?
We make good agents easy to find. For homeowners, finding reliable information about agents is a big pain point. For good agents, they need a platform to support and promote the work they do to get the best outcomes for their clients.
What are you most excited about right now?
We’ve just been included in NAR’s 2019 REach program, an honor given to a select group of tech upstarts that are upending the real estate vertical. It’s a great vote of confidence in our product and business model. Inclusion in the program positions us ‘inside the tent’ and opens the door to industry leaders and experts.
In addition we have signed many partnership agreements with MLSs. This allows us to work together with the industry to build a platform that promotes the best agents and give consumers confidence in an industry we are passionate about.
What’s next for you?
Good agents love RateMyAgent because it identifies them as good agents. This is proven by the fact that 80% of all Australian agents use the platform. The next step for us is to take this agent experience to the world and demonstrate the benefit of RateMyAgents to consumers, agents and the industry as a whole.
Once agents in the US understand how our platform works and why it is different I am confident they will embrace it. We plan to expose the power of the RMA platform to every agent in the US market.
What’s a cause you’re passionate about and why?
Selling real estate is a localised business and being involved in the local community is an important part of my life. Along with my wife Libby, we have four children who all attend local schools and are heavily involved in the local sporting communities.
When not working on RateMyAgent (or travelling) I’m involved in coaching my children and others in basketball, Cricket (Aussie baseball), Football (Aussie rules of course) and cross country running. On holidays I spend countless hours pushing my younger kids onto waves to teach them how to surf. As they get older, I’ve always said there is nothing better than sitting out the back on my surfboard chatting enjoying the experience together.
The school community is important to my family and you can find me cooking a Friday afternoon BBQ for the kids after school or setting up for the school fete.
I’m a believer of the saying: Think globally, act locally! The best way to have a positive impact on society is to start right out your front door.
Thanks to Mark for sharing his story. If you’d like to connect, find him on LinkedIn here.
We’re constantly looking for great real estate tech entrepreneurs to feature. If that’s you, please read this post — then drop me a line (drew @ geekestatelabs dot com).
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