Mobile Apps, and Lack of Adoption
You come up with the greatest idea on the planet for a mobile app. It’s an amazing value add for your existing clients. Or maybe it will help you reach a whole new group of potential clients.
You decide to build it.
But you don’t spend what it costs to make it great.
You put out a half assed app to see if people like and use it before you invest serious money.
(Virtually) no one uses it.
Don’t automatically make the assumption that just because no one uses your app, that it was a bad idea.
Instead, maybe your idea solves your clients exact pain point in precisely the right way, but they just don’t want to (aka won’t) use an ugly, piece of crap product that’s half done?
They would love nothing more to use a gorgeous, full baked mobile app.
But that’s not what you built now, is it?
Choose your development partner wisely.
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