MyBlogLog Adds Support for Adding Your Contacts to Your Existing Address Book
From the MyBlogLog Blog (try saying that one 3 times fast) — MyBlogLog hCard & vCard: More Microformats, More Portable Data. They are supporting the hCard format as well as the vCard format to enable you to download contact details directly to your address book. NikNik has more analysis over at MyTechOpinion.
Love it!
Posted at 13:12h, 25 AprilThanks Drew! Hey, did you know that it’s super fun and fast to type your name?! Drew Drew Drew(I like your keyboard flow.)
I LOVE MyblogLog! It was one of the first social networks I utilized when I began blogging. I spent quite a bit of time and effort into finding new real estate blogs and building my real estate network. Love those tags! It’s nice to see MBL expand and provide more features to continue making it a great meeting place for likeminded bloggers.
As for the new vCard/hCard feature, I think I’m loving it already. If a potential client makes a comment on your blog, you can easily access his/her contact info for follow up. This feature could also come in handy when organizing agent colleagues you meet online. Access and organization….sounds good to me!
Drew Meyers
Posted at 23:03h, 26 Aprillol
I’ve been a huge fan of MBL for some time now — it’s good to see them ship so many improvements in the last couple months.