There’s an interesting post at webmapper that’s probably worth reading, especially if you are a techy interested in real estate – Neighbo(u)rhood 2.0

The new services and products launched by Urban Mapping, Zillow, and the Dutch CBS in the first weeks of January may herald a new trend that affects online mapping: Neighbourhood 2.0. It does not only mark a shift from the global to the local, but also a further step in the democratisation of cartography: opening up neighbourhood data to both the (GIS) specialist and the (map reading) end-user.

The future of neighborhood information as it relates to real estate in the United States is certainly an interesting topic to ponder. Are neighborhoods the right size area for mapping purposes, or do you think home buyers will start demanding maps and data on smaller areas such as HOA’s? Will the web end up with one standard set of neighborhood boundary lines or are neighborhoods too fuzzy for people to agree on? Will real estate agents begin populating their sites with neighborhood data or will FHA rules scare them away? Besides demographic and home value data, what other datasets would be useful at the neighborhood level?