Neighborhood Boundaries in Directions Magazine
Here’s a link for the geeks out there; a story in Directions Magazine — Neighborhood Boundaries: The Next Big Thing in Geographic Data.
Here’s a link for the geeks out there; a story in Directions Magazine — Neighborhood Boundaries: The Next Big Thing in Geographic Data.
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Doug Burreson
Posted at 11:21h, 14 FebruaryI read the Directions piece. Then got forwarded the url to the Zillow neighborhood data.
I submitted a comment on the Zillow discussion page (suggestions) regarding the errors in the Zillow data and asked if Zillow would like some error free data for our city but havn’t received a reply.
Drew Meyers
Posted at 12:02h, 14 FebruaryDoug-
I just moved your thread to the “General” category and answered it.