Don’t worry that GeekEstate is turning into some sort of logo reporting blog (see previous post — New Inman Logo — if that makes no sense).

Last night pre-released some news to a few bloggers attended Inman Connect NYC that they were rolling out significant changes to the Zestimate algorithm, increased numebr of homes in the data base and more. You can see a good summary at Bloodhound Blog and I wrote a little about it too at Phoenix Real Estate Guy.

Zillow feels that with this latest release and roind of improvements, they can come out of beta phase, hence the “new” logo…

Old Zillow logo:

New Zillow logo:

Sporting increasingly accurate home valuation methods, more homes inthe database and more, if you don’t already have Zillow in your real estate toolbox, you should stop by and take a look.

Zillow has been releasing a ton of news lately, including just minutes ago something regarding Zillow, Yahoo! and Trulia adopting some listing standards. See their press releases for more.