Notify by Facebook, and the Opportunity for Notifications Related to a Transaction
Facebook launched Notify today (see Product Hunt discussion here). I left the following comment on Product Hunt:
This is an attempt to be a better way to consume news…which is basically what Twitter is already. My question is whether there is enough sources that “matter” to make a standalone app? For me, the only things that matter enough to actually look at every notification are close friends (text), work conversations about Horizon or consulting work (slack)…and that’s about it. I may be an outlier, but I don’t really read mainstream news; just follow relevant industry news (but virtually no source is good enough that I’d want to get notified every time they published anything). I’m not sure what the solid use case is for Notify. For me, there isn’t one.
Notify is a completely useless product to me. But telling you that is not why I’m writing today.
I think there are use cases for something like Notify — and they revolve around large, and urgent, transactions happening in the real physical world.
Transactions like a home purchase.
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