Opportunities Realized from 20 Clarity.fm Calls
I’ve now taken 20 calls on Clarity.fm (my profile here). There are two distinct types of people that schedule calls:
- Entrepreneurs in various stages of bringing an idea to light, desiring either technical help & direction or general advice around how to navigate the industry (& how to get MLS data).
- Agents / Brokers in need of tech recommendations, blogging & lead generation advice, and website feedback
As a result of the 20 calls, I’ve realized there are 3 needs worth spending a little more time on here at Geek Estate (2 related to segment #1, and 1 related to segment #2):
For segment #1…
1. Product and development help for startups. There are many ideas, but a lack of the product, design, and technical expertise required to turn those ideas into real products.
I’m already working with one entrepreneur, doing product design and validation. Of course, once an idea is validated, and funded – the next step is to work with a firm like Cloudspace to build it (or recruit developers directly).
2. Early Adopter Network. Startups need a way to gather critical early feedback from practicing agents and brokers, in order to ensure their product has reached market fit before they step on the marketing gas.
If you’re either a startup looking for a pool of early adopters, or an agent/broker interested in testing new product ahead of time (in exchange for either free or discounted pricing), I’d love to chat with you. I’m trying to determine if there is a viable marketplace that adds value to both parties.
And, for segment #2…
3. Your hired real estate CTO. I alluded to this in my post about T3 Experts, but the more agents and brokers I speak with, the larger opportunity I see. Imagine a scenario where any broker can hire an affordable outsourced CTO, to make their strategic decisions and oversee the various vendors they work with.
If you feel like you’d benefit from a part time CTO — please send me an email (drew at ohheyworld). I know one person, experienced with WordPress & MLS data, who could fill the role for several brokerages if the scenario is right.
Particularly for segment #2, what needs do you have in your day to day business? Anything the geek estate community can help with?
Dan Martell
Posted at 10:17h, 27 JanuaryDrew,
Thanks for the post and shout-out!
Your feedback is spot-on re: how we see most of our members using Clarity. The challenge for us is helping new members understand these different paths, and connecting them with the right person.
Thanks for your feedback above + talking with 100’s seekers, we’ll be introducing some new “Guides” to help on board those new to Clarity.
Exciting times.
Hope you’re having a great start to your week.
CEO / Founder of Clarity.fm