Price Me Now Partners with Zip Realty
I thought the announcement by Realius today was worth noting — Zip Realty is their first national real estate partner for their Price Me Now game. You can see the game on Zip Realty here.
I thought the announcement by Realius today was worth noting — Zip Realty is their first national real estate partner for their Price Me Now game. You can see the game on Zip Realty here.
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Derek Overbey
Posted at 20:09h, 08 JulyDrew,
Obviously this is just to get people involved in the process and have a little fun doing it but am I missing something? Do you get the house if you are closest to the actual selling price? I’m just kidding but with how long some homes are on the market, it could take a long time to finish the game.
Derek Overbey
Sr. Director of Partnership Strategy
Chuck Teller
Posted at 21:16h, 08 JulyDerek:
You are right – it is about getting involved in the process, having fun and improving your pricing skills. It is not necessary for every house you price to sell to “finish” the game. Some will sell in weeks, others will take a long time and some will just get pulled off the market.
Your IQ, which is our measure of your pricing skills, moves over time as you price more homes and others play. The object of this game is to improve your IQ. We track all the homes you price in your profile so you can see how you compare against the community (other players) and the market. We will highlight the homes that sell in a separate section of your profile (coming soon) so you can see how you predictions fare against the market.
It is a real estate prediction market game. The concept has worked in sports, movies, politics and other areas. We have focused on making it work for real estate. Take a spin and test your market knowledge and track your progress overtime. You can play Boston, Seattle or SF Bay Area at
Let me know what you think.
Chuck Teller
Derek Overbey
Posted at 21:25h, 08 JulyThanks Chuck for your detailed explanation. I’m going to try it out and put up a post on our blog ( to let everyone know what I think. Is it only found on the ZipRealty site for now?
Derek Overbey
Sr. Director of Partnership Strategy
Chuck Teller
Posted at 21:40h, 08 JulyDerek:
If you go to our site,, the home page has a map where the game can currently be played. Right now, you can play in Cincinnati, OH with Comey-Shepherd, Berkeley-Oakland with Red Oak Realty, Arizona/Illinois/North Carolina with iHouseWeb, and San Luis Obispo with SLO Homestore. We will be opening some international locations and other US locations soon.
Best, Chuck
Bookmarks about Zip
Posted at 15:30h, 21 October[…] – bookmarked by 4 members originally found by rickett on 2008-10-02 Price Me Now Partners with Zip Realty – bookmarked by 3 members […]
ZipRealty Integrates Community Estimating Technology from Realius | GeekEstate Blog
Posted at 19:05h, 15 December[…] since it brings further transparency to what buyers think their home is worth. Back in July, ZipRealty launched their Price Me Now sub domain and enabled anyone to publish their opinion of the value of a specific listing, but they’ve […]
de slabit
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