The first step in building any technology product is to wireframe the product, and validate the concept with real people.

There are a wide range of software options to handle the wireframe stage.

Personally, I’m a huge fan of, one of the crucial web services we’ve used during the later phases of Oh Hey World.

I’ve been immersed in on a daily basis since about last March. What’s it good for?

First and foremost, it’s great for iterating quickly on a core mobile app concept. Note: if you are building a web product, it’s not the right software solution.

A concept wireframe serves a few key purposes:

  • Outline the specific components on each screen
  • Detailing core navigation between various screens

Someone needs to be able to click through your wireframe, and understand what they would use your app for within 10-30 seconds. I call it the “get it” test. If your concept doesn’t pass the “get it” test, keep iterating until you figure out an iteration that does. Only then should you even consider putting real development dollars into your project. I’ll be the first to say, not all apps are worth building.

Since March, I’ve spent a lot of time working on & validating app ideas using Which angles have I spent time with?

  1. A “Tinder for Things to Do”
  2. Your relocation Inbox
  3. Props (past consulting project which I mentioned here)
  4. A mobile, social email newsletter reader
  5. A secret real estate app (current consulting project)
  6. The next version of Oh Hey World (not ready for public sharing yet)

I have three active wireframes I’m actively working on, but two of them are related to the pivot we are undergoing at Oh Hey World & one is a consulting project – so I don’t have an example wireframe I can share publicly at the moment.

Regardless, if you are working on a new mobile app idea, I encourage you to give a spin.

Having built a product & spent a lot of my own money on a product that ultimately didn’t get strong adoption outside the long term traveler segment, without a clickable concept wireframe (I did create static wireframe screens using Balsamiq) — I can tell you without a doubt that concept wireframes are a crucial step in the creation of any technology startup. Don’t make the same mistake I made.

If you want help with the process of validating a concept of yours…