Kris Berg is a genius. Or maybe it’s her husband Steve. It doesn’t really matter. Regardless of whether it’s Steve or Kris (or both), they are doing an awesome job with their website, The site is a valuable resource for home buyers interested in living in San Diego — with market stats, floor plans, links, and of course properties for sale. On the San Diego Home Blog, Kris mentioned that they have a new addition — a Google maps mash-up to display neighborhood information and boundaries. now has a separate neighborhoods page that uses Google maps to display neighborhood boundaries and links to an overview of each neighborhood. For example, here is the overview page for San Lucena and another for Ivy Hill & Ivy Crest.

It looks like all the coding is done in PHP (I think), so I imagine a developer could integrate this type of information into a wordpress blog. I just realized the website is powered by Ubertor, so their tech team might have done this setup for other agent websites as well.


It’s no secret that most people are visual — so a map is an absolutely fantastic way to give prospective home buyers a better idea about the potential neighborhoods within a desired area. If I was a real estate professional aiming to build a valuable resource for home buyers, this is definitely one of the things I would add to my website.

Kris and Steve — congratulations on a website well done!