Quick Horizon Update: Product Demo & Beta Testing
We (Horizon) just applied to TechStars New York, and put together a product demo which I thought I’d share here:
The primary use case of finding a trusted person to stay with on your next trip is certainly not a real estate one, but there absolutely is a use case for discovering trusted contacts by location in a real estate context.
I’ll be asking for the help of those in our Geek Estate Facebook group for help with beta testing in a few days. If you have an iPhone/iPad, and willing/interesting in helping us test, please join the group.
Posted at 07:51h, 27 OctoberNot sure I’d want to stay or contact the people with the nice yellow skull as their profile pic …
Bryn Kaufman
Posted at 16:10h, 27 OctoberI joined.
Nice demo by the way. What software did he use to do that? I would like to do a demo like that for my mobile website.
Drew Meyers
Posted at 20:04h, 04 NovemberWill did it from his iOS simulator…so it won’t work for you I suspect.
Bryn Kaufman
Posted at 20:07h, 04 NovemberOK, thanks.
sonali pramanik
Posted at 02:48h, 28 Octobernice blog post……….