I was recently asked by a SELLER what tools are available for their them to futher market (a) their listing and the (b) listing agent/broker with whom they are in contractual agreement.

Good question.

Here we have a scenario of a fully qualified agent/broker, but a SELLER that simply wants to participate in the Marketing, be a part of the “process”, but not get in the way — maintaining the traditional real estate relationship with their agent/broker.

Listing Agreements commonly have such inclusive narrative:

Seller’s Duties And Representations. The BROKER is granted the exclusive right to sell the PROPERTY, as the SELLER’S agent, during the term of the Agreement and the SELLER agrees to refer all inquiries to the BROKER, to cooperate in marketing the PROPERTY….
[Source : http://www.agentfeldman.com/samplelistingagreement.htm]

It’s understood today’s BUYER wants to be actively involved in the purchase of their next home, commonly perusing online, telling their agents “can we see this home”? But what RE technology exists for the SELLER to “cooperate in the marketing of the PROPERTY”. Do agents even want their SELLER’s to drive eyeballs and foot-traffic to the property, saying “hey, that’s my job”.

SELLERs Marketing Their Listing

What exists (or can be built & funded) to further inspire SELLERs to participate in the marketing of (a) their property and (b) listing agent / broker, all within the confines of the Listing Agreement and rules, laws, regulations of a state’s Department of Real Estate.

I’m referring to:
— more than flyers posted on the bulletin board at the SELLER’s job,
— more than the SELLER staging the home, keeping the home tidy for open houses,
— more than the SELLER directing their friends to the 4th home on the agents “My Listings” page on their website,
— more than emailing the SELLER a link to the property to share w/ friends and family,
— more than online listings having a “Refer a Friend” option,

Viral Communications of Consumers – What Exists

Tools like Announce My Move provide resources for Listing, Open House, and Moving announcements, with purpose of the client to virally market the agent/broker. Also, tools like Homeminders.com provide that “magnet on the fridge”, with a 24-month maintainence plan that sends past clients email reminders on proactive home maintainance. When the closing gift is email-driven…it can be viral.

But there has to be more…

More RE Technology for Seller’s Required

There needs to be more technology that energizes and solicits marketing participation of the SELLER, driving additional “foot-traffic”, but keeps all inquiries directed to the listing agent/broker (given the traditional real estate model). Technology that taps into a client’s contact list, their friends’ contact lists, and the friends of those friends’ contact lists. In this age of linkedin, facebook (some limitations there), the SELLERs communication can be extremely viral and that of past clients. Limitations may include SELLERs not interested in doing much marketing, not being tech-savvy with RE technology for this purpose.

However, myself as a consumer, I WANT to participate in the marketing. I don’t want to be lead with negotiating the BUYER’s side, overseeing the execution of voluminous amount documentation, all the things worthy of the commission to my agent.

I want to do more than what is commonly offered in-terms of participation as the SELLER, but I feel RE technology has not adapted to this yet…where lack of services are not presented to agents/brokers, to in-turn, have their SELLERs fully engage. Am I missing something here…