Ok great! Please contact me at any of my links and I will give you my address, so you can send a check. Please try to send it immediately after reading the Blog, I have 2 kids in College, and Spring tuition is due!!

Ok, now for the serious side. As most of you already know, I have the worlds greatest job! I get to spend countless hours on line researching the latest web 2.0 “Cool Tools” (that’s what I call them), determine what may be effective for my Agents, learn how to use them and then present them effectively to the “300”. It’s no mystery that the best response I receive is to the “Cool Tools” that are either FREE or very reasonably priced.

So, with that in mind, I was in our Napa, Ca. office last week when a salesperson came to give a presentation on a web 2.0 product. So naturally I was intrigued and sat in on the presentation. It was a product/service where the Agent was offered an “exclusive” opportunity to participate in an on line Marketing campaign on the city website. (Ok, so they were limiting participation to 20 Agents, where is the exclusive? and who goes to a City website to search for Real Estate?) Anyway, the Agent was to receive an opportunity to have their Listings and contact info placed on the city website, a profesional video produced, and a video email platform where they could send out video emails to their “Sphere”. All this amazing web 2.0 exposure for just ….$9,500!!! AAAHHHHH 🙁

If there were ever a time where I needed to provide a service to my Agents, this was it! So off I went, into the Internet, for information. I did like the video email concept, so I started there. What I found was, as in most cases, the Internet offered choices that were reasonably priced and in this case FREE!!! Isendout.com is an on line producer of video emails. You can either upload an existing video file or create your own from a video cam directly. They will in turn give you a platform to email your video out to your sphere. Did I mention it was FREE!!!

I was also intrigued by the professionally produced video. I think it is a great way to set yourself apart from your competition. I found several companies that could do this at cost ranging from $1,200 – $1,600. That may be a subject for another Blog.

Bottom line, Isendout.com is a great FREE tool for Agents, a “Cool Tool” if you will. Give it a shot and and let me know your thoughts?

BTW, I was just kidding about the $950! I do this because I love it!

Agents “Stop” “Listen” “Learn” “Grow”

The Coach