First off, thanks Drew for allowing me to contribute here along with many of the best real estate tech writers around. Much appreciated.

Recently I began to build my online presence as a real estate agent in my local area, Park City, UT. Prior to doing so, I taught myself anything and everything about real estate marketing, building wordpress sites with idx, basic SEO principles, link building, and anything else I could learn. I started out doing so for my dad who works in the industry and slowly ventured out into running my own business and building sites and marketing myself. 

While researching site options and different ways to construct a site for real estate, I noticed a common trend happening among many real estate sites.  Nationally and locally.

The guys over at 1000 watt consulting wrote about this recently as well stating how real estate search has gotten to complicated and needs to be simplified. There is a reason why 90% of visitors to most realtors sites are just using the search feature. Why do you think companies like Boomtown find so much success for their agents? They offer an MLS search. Nothing more, nothing less. They understand what the consumers are looking for and they offer just that.

Real Estate Webmasters is one of my favorite platforms and I would love to own a site built by them someday. Their new LEC 6 design impressed me so much I keep revisiting the site just to see the layout they have come up with again so I can try to emulate it. I would love for my site to offer that level of simplicity and value to my visitors. The main search feature is prominent, and they only had 3 tabs (in the demo shot although I am sure most agents ad more) . Buy. Sell. Explore. What more do you need? This kind of simplicity is what I believe real estate search needs to be toned down to. Where everything a visitor would like to see on a page is all above the fold, aesthetically pleasing, and SIMPLE.

Often times we offer an absurd amount of features that clog up the site with unnecessary junk. The consumers want to search homes, the quickest and easiest way possible. While we still need proper calls to action and registration pages for lead generation, the rest has plenty of room for simplification.

What are your thoughts on how search has become lately and where the trend is heading?