Redesigns Home Page released a new home page design this morning.
And unless you are a fan of circa 1990 web design, the change is long overdue.
Here is what it looked like yesterday:
Here’s what it looks like today:
Thoughts on the redesign
My initial thought was, “What’s up with the still ugly left side navigation?” Todd Carpenter, the NAR’s Social Media Manger, told me that since this is not a site redesign, only a refresh of the home page, the menu is necessary for navigation deeper into the site. Makes sense.
Todd also pointed out these highlights:
- A wider design that allows more content to be placed above the fold.
- A more prominent Search. The improvements to the search function are ongoing.
- Hot topic quick links just below the search for the most often viewed pages.
- An “In case you missed it” near the footer that allows visitors to see more timely content surfaced on the home page.
While the home page is still very busy, it is far easier to see important information. There is a TON of material on, so any design is likely to be “busy”. Visually the design is much more appealing (though really, anything would have been an improvement). I like the easy access to various RSS feeds, and the boxes for “Membership Benefits”, “Community Programs”, and “Professional Development” that can be opened right on the home page help keep even more content within easy reach.
I do think the large spot with the add could be put to far better use. That same add is already in the header and to be blunt, I don’t really need the NAR to pimp’s services to me. Yes, my intense dislike for biases my opinion on this aspect of the design. (Update: on a page refresh, an HP add replaced the ad. Still, that space could be put to better use IMO).
Overall, I think it’s a vast improvement.
The NAR wants to hear your thoughts. They have a short survey (12 questions) and you can leave comments here on GEB as well. I assure you, someone from NAR will be reading them.
Staten Island Real Estate
Posted at 07:34h, 29 OctoberI laughed at the comment on the left side navigation. I thought the same thing, you would think that they would improve that as well.
Posted at 08:23h, 29 OctoberYes, a change long overdue indeed. Welcome to the 20th Century,! You're almost there! 😉
Posted at 08:47h, 29 OctoberI wouldn't call the old design 1990, more like 1999.
jpmoses, Welcome to the 20th century? really? They were 20th century…
welcome to the 21st century (It's been 9 years now) I think is what you meant.
Looking Good,! : Speaking of Real Estate
Posted at 08:50h, 29 October[…] official site got a design refresh yesterday, and it’s already getting some props in the Deservedly so, too–kudos to our colleagues on a job well […]
Top real estate posts of the day for 10/29/2009
Posted at 09:00h, 29 October[…] redesigns home page – Sure it looks better, but that doesn’t mean I am going to start going […]
carpet cleaning lexington
Posted at 15:35h, 21 NovemberOverall cleaning of site? hmmm, get the idea of making it more appealing.
Posted at 23:10h, 12 JanuaryLooks good to me.
Posted at 02:04h, 15 Aprilthe simple the better!
Posted at 09:04h, 15 Aprilthe simple the better!
de slabit
Posted at 09:52h, 03 JanuaryI have been after the google for this information and i wanted to thank u for this post. BTW, just off topic, how can i get a copy of this theme? – Thanks