Looks like REALTOR.com has caught onto the web 2.o wave by implementing some site updates and new features. You can see video tours that showcase the recent changes at TourtheNewRealtor.com.


I must say that I like the updates and think you will enjoy them. They include:

  • A Redesigned Home Page
  • “Count on the Fly” Search Results
  • Individual REALTOR® Blogs
  • Easier Site Navigation
  • Ability to Save Listings and Custom Searches
  • A Realtor.com Widget that works on PDAs and Cell Phones.
  • New Listing Detail Page with neighborhood information, integrated maps, and open house alerts.
  • Enhanced video tours that support a variety of formats.

This shows that REALTOR.com is making an effort to stay on the forefront of industry changes. One of their video tours stated that buyers will stay on their site longer because of the feature enhancements. I agree that the upgrades will make the site more “sticky”, but I’d like to see REALTOR.com do more to promote real estate agents without charging them extra.

It’s no secret that I think most REALTOR.com “upgrades” should be standard, but that’s another topic. See the ad in this month’s REALTOR Magazine.