Checking into the Holiday Inn LAX... via FourSquare, of course!
Creative Commons License photo credit: Sirinyay

If you are coming to REBarCamp/Phoenix, (and why not?) here’s your chance to connect with others on the increasingly popular social network

Personally, I joined a while back and then didn’t do anything with it.  Since SXSW I’ve been experimenting with different ways to use it and connect to people I know and those I haven’t met yet.  I can’t wait for the 4sq session at BarCamp!

Like any good social network they make it easy to find those using the service already connected to you.


But let’s say you just want to find just those that are coming to the event?

You could wait till they show and check in but that’s “reactive” and I would rather be “proactive”.

Here’s my profile: – go add me as a Friend.

Then add your profile to the comments section below.

As for the REBarCamp volunteers… Here’s a few to get you started

So who did I miss?