REBarCamp SF gets iPhone App Launched
Having just upgraded to the new iPhone 3Gs, I was searching the online appstore at iTunes and found the Brand New iPhone App for the REBarCamp coming to San Francisco on August 4th. The iPhone app allows you register at the event, track twitter and Facebook comments, pages and updates, gives directions, maps, location, times, who’s coming and more.
The new iphone app by MobileApploader is FREE.
I just downloaded the REBarCamp SF app on my iPhone and before I could fully investigate it’s functions and menus, I wanted to get something up on the one place I know other Real Estate Geeks go to find this stuff, The Geek Estate Blog! Looking forward to seeing you at this years event, you can bet your apps that I’ll be there, and not without my iPhone.
Bruce Wagg
Posted at 09:22h, 04 JulyCan’t wait to meet many of you at SF BarCamp.. Bring a jacket, SF is cold in the summer and don’t call it Frisco
Brad Andersohn
Posted at 09:31h, 04 JulyBruce – looking forward to meeting you as well.
Jim Reppond
Posted at 10:56h, 04 JulyVery slick, Brad! I’ve installed it and have been playing with it.
Brad Andersohn
Posted at 11:17h, 04 JulyI like that it has a twitter and facebook feed. I can see a few areas of the app that could be developed to work well for REBarCamps nationally. One app for all events. Maybe they should add me to their dev team. 🙂
Posted at 23:44h, 05 JulyI wish I had an iPhone!
Brad Andersohn
Posted at 00:49h, 06 JulyCome to Inman Connect or REBarCamp, I bet someones giving one away.
Brian Block
Posted at 04:34h, 09 JulyBrad,
Just saw this yesterday. Just took my brand new 3GS out of the box and started playing around with it. What other apps are must-haves for an iphone newbie?
Brad Andersohn
Posted at 04:44h, 09 JulyBrian – I have a ton of apps you’re going to want, lets hook up at Inman and I’ll share them with you. They can be pulled from the appstore right from your new iPhone. You can always call me too. The iPhone Business Card app is on my AR sidebar for you to download.
Congrats on buying the best Business Tool on the planet.
Check out my new iPhone Blog (
Brandon Green
Posted at 14:30h, 03 AugustVery cool–I love all the event-oriented iPhone aps.
Posted at 18:33h, 26 SeptemberThere is nothing worse than having to scrape the ice off a windshield without a good pair of carhartt coats gloves or a pair of gloves that get soaking wet from the snow and slush.
Posted at 01:33h, 15 OctoberIphone 3G s is very expensive now.Hope the price will get down…
Posted at 08:33h, 15 OctoberIphone 3G s is very expensive now.Hope the price will get down…
de slabit
Posted at 12:15h, 03 JanuaryI was been scouring the Web for such info and just wanted to say thanks to u for the post. BTW, just off topic, where can i find a version of this theme? – Regards