SRE Matrix has $200 million in funding from Takeshi Sekiguchi, operating a discount model in Hawaii and San Diego, and looking to expand (see Inman).


What are they doing with all that money?

Building another national portal…

The brokerage planned to have set up shop in 14 states by July, but it’s currently only operating in Hawaii and San Diego. It decided to hold off on expansion until it could field a nationwide property search site, Young said.

Led by Lucas Haldeman, a former product manager at operator Move, more than 20 engineers are working out of an office in Scottsdale, Arizona, to have the site ready for primetime sometime in the first quarter of 2017, according to Young.

Much of what I wrote about BPP applies (see articles linked from this page).

When talking about a consumer facing portal, the core question is what are you providing/delivering to consumers they can’t get now? WHY should a buyer (or seller) care? It’s no secret portals that don’t attract buyers don’t last long. I’d love an answer from SRE as to the “why (another portal is needed)“…