How do you keep track of ALL the social networking sites you’re currently on? Are you on Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, Friendfeed, ActiveRain and others?  Do you have online profiles scattered all across these continuously growing WEB 2.0 platforms?  How many are you on?  How many are out there? Here’s a great solution to managing all your online sites and anywhere else you may have an Internet presence. allows you to create a profile, add any Social Network site, add custom links to your websites and Blogs, and then expose them to your visitors and Internet traffic.  I use Retaggr just so I can keep track of myself, and all the places I’ve created a profile, blog, or website.  LOL~

Having joined over 20 different social networking sites in the last 2 years, and running numerous Blogs and websites, I can’t imagine not having Retaggr in place if I ever needed to change a phone number, an address, an email address etc.  Would you be able to remember all the places you’d need to update or edit?   This is just one of the great values Retaggr brings to the Social Media Phenomenon.

There are many ways to use and benefit from your Retaggr Profile.

  • Publicize your Retaggr Profile addresses
  • Let your Followers and contacts discover you
  • Add your Retaggr Profile to your site or blog
  • Create a Retaggr Email Signature

They  have three different widgets you can add to any site or blog that will enhance your social networking visibility.  The first one is a chicklet that is very small, but then expands when you hover your mouse over it.


The second is a sidebar widget that can be placed on your Blog or on your customized website.


The third is like a large business card that displays all your information and can be used on any location that allows HTML code to be embedded.  They even have an e-signature card for your Outlook, Yahoo, or Google email.  If you are on more than 5 social networks or sites out there, you’ll need to keep track of them, and what better way to let others know which ones you’re on.  Retaggr really is the Ultimate Social Media Profile.
