Retaggr – The Ultimate Social Media Profile
How do you keep track of ALL the social networking sites you’re currently on? Are you on Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, Friendfeed, ActiveRain and others? Do you have online profiles scattered all across these continuously growing WEB 2.0 platforms? How many are you on? How many are out there? Here’s a great solution to managing all your online sites and anywhere else you may have an Internet presence. allows you to create a profile, add any Social Network site, add custom links to your websites and Blogs, and then expose them to your visitors and Internet traffic. I use Retaggr just so I can keep track of myself, and all the places I’ve created a profile, blog, or website. LOL~
Having joined over 20 different social networking sites in the last 2 years, and running numerous Blogs and websites, I can’t imagine not having Retaggr in place if I ever needed to change a phone number, an address, an email address etc. Would you be able to remember all the places you’d need to update or edit? This is just one of the great values Retaggr brings to the Social Media Phenomenon.
There are many ways to use and benefit from your Retaggr Profile.
- Publicize your Retaggr Profile addresses
- Let your Followers and contacts discover you
- Add your Retaggr Profile to your site or blog
- Create a Retaggr Email Signature
They have three different widgets you can add to any site or blog that will enhance your social networking visibility. The first one is a chicklet that is very small, but then expands when you hover your mouse over it.
The second is a sidebar widget that can be placed on your Blog or on your customized website.
The third is like a large business card that displays all your information and can be used on any location that allows HTML code to be embedded. They even have an e-signature card for your Outlook, Yahoo, or Google email. If you are on more than 5 social networks or sites out there, you’ll need to keep track of them, and what better way to let others know which ones you’re on. Retaggr really is the Ultimate Social Media Profile.
Retaggr - The Ultimate Social Media Profile | Search Engine Optimization Blog
Posted at 04:59h, 11 March[…] Read the example here: Retaggr – The Ultimate Social Media Profile […]
Jim Reppond
Posted at 07:37h, 11 MarchI’m a big believer in Retaggr and use it on my WordPress blog. Now they are offering free “Premium Service” for three months too.
My only complaint is they make it VERY non-intuitive to just add a new website or service to your profile. The “websites you use” is just a tiny tab on your Edit Profile page. If you forget where it is you can spend forever finding it again. It should be a huge button on their home member splash page. It’s annoying, but not the end of the world.
The multitude of buttons and widgets make this a great tool for getting your blog posts tagged and indexed on your favorite sites by your readership.
Brad Andersohn
Posted at 12:44h, 11 MarchJim – I’ll have to check out the premium service, the free one is already pretty premium if you ask me. I have got lost myself looking for that little link to add your sites, but have since bookmarked the page and also memorized its location to prevent future frustration. Maybe someone will read this post from retaggr, and change the location of that “add links and sites”, and move it to the main login landing page. Even having it on the profile makes more cents… I mean sense. 🙂
Jim Reppond
Posted at 15:41h, 11 MarchI think I was more upset at myself because I got lost TWICE. I remembered it was buried in some weird obscure location, but forgot where, twice. Second time I was really frustrated with myself for not having memorized it.
So from now on if I forget again I’ll just come here and re-read my comments to you 🙂
Brad Andersohn
Posted at 16:49h, 11 MarchJim – lol~ I’ll make sure I leave this post up here for you, but you may have a harder time finding it in the future than you will the edit/add link over on haha! That was too funny, thanks.
Kansas City Real Estate
Posted at 02:59h, 12 MarchI have been using MyBlogLog. How does retaggr compare?
Brad Andersohn
Posted at 05:25h, 12 MarchKCRE – not sure it does. I think the difference is that you can add any site to retaggr, I think MyBlogLog only allows the sites they approve. Not a MyBlogLog expert, probably the wrong guy to ask. If you are a MyBlogLog user, check out and then you can compare the difference, and come back and let me know. I’d love to hear your thoughts on which one you think has more value and benefits. Thanks.
Cedar Rapids Real Estate
Posted at 05:23h, 14 MarchJust opened up an account with them and embedded the tab onto my website. Love how it takes your latest feed from each individual site and adds it automatically to your badge. Cool tool!
Posted at 06:39h, 14 MarchCRRE – be sure to check out the email signature card too, there’s a couple options you can use. I get quite a few hits on my sites from including it in my email and on my responses.
Jim Reppond
Posted at 08:28h, 14 MarchCRRE and Brad –
I’m starting to use the email signature in Outlook to try it out for a couple of days. But I may quickly drop it like a hot potato.
Turns out the signature file is just one big fat link back to Retaggr. Defeats the whole purpose, IMO. When I see those icons, I better be able to get to those destinations in just one click or that’s what I call SPAM!
Posted at 08:43h, 14 MarchJim – I’m not sure how you are setting up your email sig in Outlook, I am using yahoo and gmail and on both of my cards, the links take you directly to my online retaggr business card which allows you access to all my sites and social networks with a simple click on the icon.
Maybe outlook is different in the way they allow you to set it up. Not sure as I don’t use outlook much anymore.
Feel free to send me an email, and I’ll respond so you can see how it looks and works as my email signature. SPAM is not good, and I don’t think that was ever the intention by retaggr when they set this up. I get a lot of traffic from that little email signature card. Thanks. 🙂
Jim Reppond
Posted at 11:30h, 14 MarchBrad – I don’t think you are following me.
That’s EXACTLY what it does!
It FIRST sends you to Rettagr’s business card of you. What I’m saying is that wherever in the email signature there are icons of other services it should link you DIRECTLY to those services, NOT require you FIRST go to Retaggr’s profile page of you, then require someone click again.
Does that make sense now?
Posted at 17:10h, 14 MarchThanks Jim – that does make sense, I follow you now.
Not sure the power in the retaggr tool was intended or exclusive to email signatures though. I think it’s intended for embedding on blogs and websites where it works flawlessly, just as you mention. A single click away from any site or network, so we digress.
Guess ya gotta take the bad with the good, but I find it is still the ultimate social media profile. It may not be the ultimate email signature card, at least not for what you need. Thanks.
Jim Reppond
Posted at 23:23h, 14 MarchBrad,
I think you are right that the power of this product is in it’s smooth integration of tagging within blogs and websites. Email signatures seem an afterthought and are weakly implemented, IMO. But they’ll probably improve that functionality as well.
All in all, I agree it’s a great product.
Posted at 04:12h, 15 MarchHi there, Nik from Retaggr here.
Brad, thanks for the post, and thanks to everyone for your feedback – much appreciated.
We’re delighted that so many folks in RE are getting value out of Retaggr. It is definitely a work in progress, and we have some things to come which we think folks in your industry will really appreciate.
Jim – with regards to the UI (and finding the link to add sites), you are quite right – we could do better there. I’ll make sure that receives attention soon.
Secondly, on the email signature aspect (and clicking on icons), that was in fact our desire at the outset. The limitation however is not with us, it’s with email clients. Due to security concerns, email programs are very conservative about what functionality they allow (rightly so perhaps). This means we’re unfortunately unable to catch exactly where the viewer might have clicked, and send them straight through to that service, reliably, for all email clients. That being said, we’re always looking for new ways to do things, so I won’t rule it our for future.
Once again – thanks for the feedback. Please do not hestitate to get in touch ( for any reason.
Best regards.
Jim Reppond
Posted at 09:39h, 15 MarchHi Nik,
Thanks for commenting on our ideas. I had no idea there was any technical limitation to the email signature thing. I just assumed since you can have html and hyperlinks in a signature it was a no-brainer. But I’m not a developer and don’t know much about such stuff.
But while I have your ear,…..:-)
What about having “sort by site name” and “search site name” functions?
Many times I’ve thought about adding a site to Retaggr, but I’m not sure if I already have. So I have to toggle through a bunch of categories looking for it cause I’m not sure where it would be listed.
sort and search would be very useful.
And if you want to get really fancy….
You could make a browser toolbar function. Click on the Retaggr icon and it automatically adds the site you are logged into onto your Retaggr profile!
Keep up the wood work!
Jim in Seattle
Posted at 09:45h, 15 MarchNik – thanks for confirming my own suspicions about the complexity of the email signature card. I can only imagine the technical aspect and administration it would take to make something like that work across all the email client/servers out there. I’d rather see your focus be on new and improved tools and features.
Your product rocks my friend, I look forward to any future enhancements and upgrades you may have in store.
Consider me one of your biggest fans and supporters. 🙂
Posted at 15:51h, 15 MarchJim – the bookmarklet idea is a good one! Will put on out feature queue.
With regards to the sorting/search – when editing your profiles, there’s an option to “view all services alphabetically”, just above all the categories – that should hopefully solve your problem?
Thanks to you both for the compliments! I look forward to sharing some news about the new features with you all soon.
Warm regards.
Sam Dodd
Posted at 12:37h, 16 MarchThis is great. I didn’t know about this program and now I can keep track of everything in one convient place. Thanks Brad
Posted at 13:04h, 16 March@Nik – thanks for getting involved, awesome customer service and that’s what counts today, especially in these times. 🙂
Posted at 13:06h, 16 MarchSam – definitely one of the greatest values of retaggr is just that. I have to use it just to keep track of all my sites, blogs, and social networks. I don’t think I could do it without them.
Fran and Rowena
Posted at 05:53h, 25 MarchGreat post, Brad.
We also use retaggr … to keep ourselves organized as well as to have the information for others to find.
The one limitation the “free” version has that has affected us is that it limits the number of blogs you can show.
Posted at 08:35h, 25 MarchFran & Rowena – I have added all my Blogs to the FREE version of retaggr. I used the section that allows you to add unlimited sites at: and then clicked on the link “other profiles” check it out, this may work as an alternative for you. 🙂
Madison homes for sale
Posted at 08:51h, 29 MarchCan someone clarify what is for? Is it just for keeping track of all your own blogs and social networking pages or can it be used to keep track of blogs that you want to regularly comment on as well? I just signed up for a ton of social networking sites which I’ve already lost track of it so this sounds like a useful tool. I suppose I could just bookmark the sites I want to comment on but I’m not sure that’s the best way to do it.
Brad Andersohn
Posted at 15:37h, 29 MarchRetaggr is for keeping track of all your own blogs and social networks, as well as sharing them with others.
It’s not really for tracking all the others you want to comment on. For that, you’d be better of with an RSS feed, google reader, or feedfuse. You could also subscribe via email to those blogs using feedblitz or feedburner if available, just like the one used here at GeekEstate.
Check out retaggr, add your blogs, sites and personal social networks, then it will all become clearer on how you wish to use it.
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