For the second week in a row, the #retechchat Monday evening discussion was off-the-hook-awesome. This week, we tried to start an hour early at 6 PM PST to give east coasters a better chance to tune in, but ended up doing a full 2 hours of discussion on the topic of mobile marketing since so many people joined closer to the original time of 7 PST. Most of the discussion centered around mobile strategies and tools, though we did sidetrack for a bit on the prospects of Google +1 (I’m bullish) and QR codes (I’m not so bullish) were brought up once or twice.

For the full rundown, you can view the archive of this past week’s #retechchat (and the prior week’s for that matter) at TwapperKeeper under the #retechchat hashtag. Note that you’ll have to change the time filter to see more tweets on the page. Unfortunately, there is no perfect solution for archiving hashtag discussions that I could find. I ran out of my monthly limit of 500 tweets using RowFeeder, so that wasn’t an option for week 2. If you have any ideas, please do share.

I do have a few thoughts to relay through my keyboard. I think it’s a given that mobile is going to be hugely important going forward in the real estate vertical – consumers are spending more and more of their time on mobile devices each and every day (30% of Zillow searches are on mobile on weekends). What I don’t think we’re sure on is what strategy will be most effective to reaching those buyers and sellers. I personally 100% agree with Matthew Shadbolt at Corcoran that an “app” for an individual agent doesn’t make financial sense — at least not an app with a focus of searching for listings. The technology cost and the marketing required to get consumers to download and use it is simply too high. The fact of the matter is that an agent app will never be able to compete against the Zillow’s of the world in mobile search. I happen to think there is room for an agent app that is NOT search; perhaps a neighborhood community app that includes news and helps connect people with their neighbors. That app could then be teamed with an existing app whose core focus is search. That’s where the possibility of “The Ines app powered by Zillow” comes into play. Zillow could white label their app and give a particular agent control over the branding in it when their past clients sign up. I’m sure they are already thinking about this type of scenario for their Zillow Premiere Agents. Note to Amy – Ines should be your first beta client should Zillow go this route :).

If you have any thoughts to share on the use of mobile in the real estate vertical, leave them below in the comments.

Next week’s topic will be FACEBOOK ADS (if there is not enough discussion about ads, we can discuss Facebook pages & engagement strategies)! Video was the next most popular topic from those who voted (VOTE HERE), so we’ll plan on discussing that the following week.

See you next week at 6 PM PST / 9 PM EST for another amazing hour (or two) of conversation.