#retechchat Today at 6 PM PST. Topics: Mobile Marketing & the Zillow IPO
Reminder to tune into tonight’s #retechchat — it will be at 6 PST instead of the previous time of 7 PST in order to give east coasters a little better opportunity to tune in before their bed time. The topic this week was supposed to be “mobile marketing”, but given today’s massive industry news that Zillow filed for their IPO, I think tonight will have dual topics: Mobile Marketing & the Zillow IPO.
I’m guessing there are going to be a few (including me) who want to discuss what the Zillow IPO means to the industry, and how they think it will play out. If the Zillow IPO discussion drowns out the mobile marketing discussion, we can discuss mobile marketing again next week — or those that want to discuss it can stay on for another hour from 7-8 PST.
If you want to participate in #retechchat this evening, there are a few options:
- Follow the #retechchat hashtag
- Add a search column to Tweetdeck for the hashtag #retechchat
- Join Tweetchat under #retechchat (recommended approach)
See you at 6 PST!
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Posted at 16:39h, 18 April[…] Write for GEB ← #retechchat Today at 6 PM PST. Topics: Mobile Marketing & the Zillow IPO […]