#retechchat Transcript – Analytics
What a killer #retechchat tonight on the topic of analytics. I’m not going to summarize the whole thing, but here is the text document that I saved for those who really want to wade through the entire discussion: Download it HERE. Alternatively, you can view the discussion on TwapperKeeper under the #retechchat hashtag.
Lastly, if you’d like to vote for next week’s topic – that can be done here.
Posted at 12:44h, 24 MayNot exactly sure what to do with the download. What program opens a rtfd file?
Posted at 16:44h, 24 MayIt’s a zipped up rich text file. It’s a big file, so might take a bit to download. You’ll have to unzip it and then open with a basic word/text editor of some sort.
Posted at 23:34h, 24 MayI understand how to unzip a file, but when the file is unzipped there is nothing but gif and jpg files.
Posted at 23:35h, 24 Mayi open it in text editor on my mac. what program are you opening with?
Posted at 00:32h, 25 MayWhen I open it with the standard Windows Notepad program, I get nothing but blank space. When I open it (retechchat-analytics-may23.rtfd) with a browser I get gifs and jpgs!
Posted at 00:35h, 25 Mayhmm…maybe it will only work in text editor on the mac. sorry about that.
unfortunately, there is still no great solution to capture these discussions
for later viewing (at least that i’ve found). @rowfeeder would work, but it
costs money. If enough people want to pool together funds to pay for it,
then that would probably be the best route.
If anyone else has a way to do this, let me know and I can try it.
Posted at 02:11h, 25 MayOh well. Whatever you guys did for the very first retechat worked well. I believe the chat was on blogging content ideas. Nevertheless, the first one downloaded easily and I was able to read the entire discussion.