In honor of the launch of InmanNext, the topic of last night’s #retechchat was Best Things to Do When Starting Something New. Last night was a wild one that was interrupted by a 5 minute Twitter blackout which led to a few Google+ Hangouts popping up. Still a good discussion overall; just a bit more scattered than usual. At the end of the day, I think Darin Persinger nailed the question of starting something new with this tweet:

@drewmeyers this one is simple. go to a class that teaches it or hire someone that has done it before. #retechchat

Here is the text document that I saved for those who want to browse through the entire discussion: Download it HERE (best to use TextEdit on a Mac from what I hear). Alternatively, you can view the discussion on TwapperKeeper under the #retechchat hashtag.

And lastly, if you’d like to vote for next week’s topic – that can be done here.