#retechchat Transcript – Pros & Cons of Various IDX Vendors
The topic of tonight’s #retechchat was Pros & Cons of Various IDX Vendors. Most of the discussion centered around Diverse Solutions and IDX Broker — as well as the fact that, in many markets, IDX is still not very well understood of embraced by agents. Though they didn’t get much airtime in this discussion, two other IDX vendors worth looking at are Real Geeks and Displet – both take a very conversion-focused approach to their products (and that’s what pays the bills).
Here is the text document that I saved for those who want to browse through the entire discussion:Download it HERE (best to use TextEdit on a Mac from what I hear).
Alternatively, you can view the discussion on TwapperKeeper under the #retechchat hashtag.
And lastly, if you’d like to vote for next week’s topic – that can be done here.
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