RealestatewebmastersSponsored Post Reminder: During the next 30 days, we are running a REW-Geek Estate challenge here to give away 15 of their $7,500 REW fully loaded premium sites (meaning waive all normal setup fees & pay nothing for the first 30 days), risk free (meaning you can cancel anytime after 30 days). Learn more / apply here.

When people mention the best websites in the industry, Real Estate Webmasters is generally always in the conversation. Historically, REW hasn’t partnered with any technology vendors, instead choosing to build every aspect of the REW platform themselves. While they’ve accomplished a lot since 2004, they’ve realized what Apple eventually realized.


They can’t do everything, for everyone.

REW has 10,000+ agents on their platform — all of whom have unique business needs and all of whom desire to close more business.

It’s now time to play ball.

They know there are other technology vendors out there with great products (some of which their clients are already using, but many others none of REW’s clients are aware of). REW is willing and ready to integrate with those other technology providers to help their clients drive more business in the door.

They’ve already done integrations with, Happy Grasshopper, BombBomb, and are working on completing an integration with Follow Up Boss.

If you’re a vendor and can deliver real value to REW’s clients, I encourage you to reach out to them.


Well…playing ball by yourself just isn’t very fun. Whether you figure that out now or 5 years from now, is up to you.

Sponsored Post Reminder: During the next 30 days, we are running a REW-Geek Estate challenge here to give away 15 of their $7,500 REW fully loaded premium sites (meaning waive all normal setup fees & pay nothing for the first 30 days), risk free (meaning you can cancel anytime after 30 days). Learn more / apply here.

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