I (finally) purchased a modern MacBook Pro this week. My old MacBook Pro from 2012 finally was too much to deal with in terms of slowness/performance. As a browser, I’ve been using Chrome for years, but have been using Safari the last few days to see how it compares. Last night, I got the following prompt:

I never told Safari to grab data from Google Chrome, at least not knowingly. But smart by Safari.

My point is not to talk about Safari and Chrome. My point is agents/brokers should be thinking about creative approaches to acquire buyer data off previous websites and apps buyers are using. Namely, Zillow (and Trulia), Redfin, and Realtor.com.

What if you could somehow automatically grab all someone’s saved searches off Redfin or Zillow, and import them to your website and saved searches? If you could, I have to image that would be a better user experience than making someone start over from scratch. I suppose the question is whether doing so is possible? I don’t have an answer, but any insight you have on the topic would be appreciated.