If you are a real estate professional in the greater Seattle area and looking to further your business in 2011 — there are two events coming up that you don’t want to miss, RE BarCamp on March 3rd and Agent Reboot on March 9.

Having been to over a dozen RE BarCamps all across the country over the past few years, I’m a huge RE BarCamp fan. I love the fact that every re barcamp is different. I love the fact that the entire day isn’t controlled by pre-selected speakers. I love the engaging conversation and disagreements. And I love the fact that you get out of RE BarCamp what you put in. I love to see testimonials like this:

I have to admit, I have not yet been to an Agent Reboot. Though, that said, I know all the speakers on the tour (Nicole Nicolay, Darin Persinger, Chris Smith, and Daniel Rothamel) and have a lot of respect for all of them, looking forward to seeing their Reboot presentations in person for the first time.

You can register for Agent Reboot here ($49) and RSVP to RE BarCamp here (free). Looking forward to a RETech-focused first half of March!