Secure Digital Assets that Are Easy to Share and Access
[Note from editor: The “Mastermind Showcase” highlights companies and news from members of the GEM. Today’s showcase: Prisidio]
A cloud-based vault to securely store, organize, and share all life’s essential documents and information, Prisidio provides cybersecurity and data protection solutions that protect users’ sensitive data and digital assets. Its software is used to store birth certificates and IDs, wills, the location of important physical and digital spaces like safe deposit boxes, or a digital inventory of financial and sentimental valuables. This protected data can then be accessed by the vault owner, via mobile or web, or by those invited to access the specific items in the vault, like a family member, lawyer, or financial advisor. The vault owner can keep track of all activity occurring within their vault through instant mobile notifications or the vault’s action log.
What we like: A digital version of a safe deposit box, built for the mobile and cloud world we now live in. Real estate and finance documents are a critical piece of virtually every family estate, and Prisidio makes them findable and shareable among families and other trusted connections.
*Part of 2023 REACH Class
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