Seller Report Card for Agents
The following question is from Ryan Gullet with EGA Homes:
I am wondering if you know of any systems for seller reports where they are automated and they can give the most accurate numbers for how a listing is doing?
Something that pulls from the most sources would be ideal. Where do you find the best source to give sellers accurate data on how their property is doing on all the syndicated sites?
Does anyone know of any good solutions? All the portals have their own seller report cards, but none of them seem to span across portals/websites.
Geordie Romer
Posted at 11:34h, 14 JuneDrew and I actually discussed this product back in February. I’ve half heartedly tried to cobble something together in the past, but I think it solves a couple of big problems for listing agents. First, it communicates to sellers the reach you are getting with your marketing efforts. In a hot market, it doesn’t matter, but in a slower market, this feedback is crucial. It also helps the listing agent decide where to spend marketing dollars.
Drew Meyers
Posted at 11:42h, 14 JuneI still love this idea. Distribution is the challenge, along with accessing data from all portals/websites in an automated fashion.
Charles Williams
Posted at 20:46h, 18 June@drewmeyers:disqus we have a seller report where agents can view activity on their listing from various sources in chart form: # of views by source over time, time users spent on your listing per source, shares of your listing per source, etc. Agents can also subscribe their client if they wish to receive on a weekly basis. It’s part of our brokerage solution.
Posted at 00:44h, 21 July@GetBuyside:disqus – how do you get that data and for which portals are you able to provide the data?
Ryan Gullett
Posted at 12:41h, 14 JuneWhat product did you discuss?
Drew Meyers
Posted at 12:52h, 14 JuneBuilding pretty much this exact product.
Ryan Gullett
Posted at 13:08h, 14 JuneGot it. Has anyone used ListHub?
Drew Meyers
Posted at 13:15h, 14 JuneZillow and trulia don’t use them, so a report would largely be useless without the biggest portals data.
Ryan Gullett
Posted at 13:18h, 14 JuneThat is what I have thought and heard as well. But if you look at this page:
It is almost like they include them in some sort of work around?
Ryan Gullett
Posted at 13:25h, 14 JuneI have always thought that as well. But a link on their website says they include the data somehow. Maybe in some kind official un-official way?
Stephanie Crawford @AgentSteph
Posted at 12:32h, 15 JuneNo, but I’d consider subscribing to such a service.