Slack – a Great Solution for Team Communication
Those running teams (particularly real estate tech startup founders) should certainly take a look at Slack for your teams communication. It’s real-time messaging, archiving and search brought into one.
Prior to switching to Slack about a month ago, our team was primarily using group Skype chats to discuss what needs to get done, and to share learnings and industry news relevant to our new roomsharing app, Horizon (more on that here). Those who have used Skype know that it often suffers from delayed messages when both people are not on at the same time.
Why do I love slack?
- It’s laser fast
- Desktop app and iOS app
- Exponentially better search compared to skype chats
- Notifications – one place to see GitHub updates, as well as changes to Trello
- Can set up “channels” – we have: general, industry-competition, api integration, rails backend, and horizon ios, and random. Team members can join the channels relevant to them, and skip the rest.
Give it a whirl, and let me know what you think.
Bryn Kaufman
Posted at 11:37h, 08 JulyWe use Trillian for chat but if it is not an emergency I prefer Email as it does not interrupt my work flow by forcing me to look at a message that just came in. Maybe I am old school with preferring Email.
For projects, escrows, listings, offers, etc. we use Asana to stay organized.