Social Media in Real Estate – Part 2: Facebook
Facebook is a phenomenon used by hundreds of millions of users worldwide. According to / comScore — Facebook has over 110 million active users, is the 4th most-trafficked website in the world, and is the most-trafficked social media site in the world. These are staggering numbers for a website that was started by a student at Harvard University and saw most of its early growth from college students.
The latter is what turns most people off from using Facebook to market themselves and their listings online: college students. Many believe that their customers are not on Facebook, or that Facebook is just a place for college kids to share party photos; it is the largest photo-sharing site on the web after all.
However, the following statistics will help put that belief to rest: more than half of Facebook users are outside of college and the fastest growing demographic is those 25 years old and older. This makes Facebook the ideal place to build and maintain your network of customers and associates.
I was having a discussion with a friend and he told me his girlfriend’s grandmother uses Facebook to share photos of the grandchildren with family members. This says something about Facebook users: they’re not just college kids anymore.
Facebook is a great platform to connect with current friends, old friends, and new friends. Adding someone as a friend means they get updates when you post something. Whether it be a new listing, blog post, website, or anything else you want to let your group of friends know about. Below is an example of how I promoted my last blog post on social media:
When I posted that, my hundreds of friends saw it (and hopefully clicked on it). Now, that post wasn’t for everyone, since not all of my friends are in the real estate industry. However, they may know someone who would be interested in it and pass it along. The same goes for a new listing. Post your new listings and hundreds of people will see, comment on it, and pass it along to others. It takes only minutes and will add hundreds if not thousands of otherwise nonexistent views.
Groups and fan pages are another powerful tool on Facebook. I belong to a number of groups and fan pages related to real estate. Whether it be my local Massachusetts Association of REALTORS fan page or the Inman News page, joining groups connects you with hundreds other people in your industry and keeps you up to date with what’s going on. Group administrators can send out updates to group members keeping them informed and engaged. You or your office can form a group or fan page in minutes and invite everyone you know to join. Also, look for local groups to stay up to date with what’s going on in the community.
Events are another great way to let people know what’s going on. If you have an upcoming open house you can create an event for it and invite others to attend. This spreads awareness of the open house because when people RSVP and say they’re attending all of their friends also see that they plan to attend.
If you’re using your Facebook profile for both personal and business be sure to check out the privacy settings to make sure only the people you want to see your content are seeing it. You can create different groups such as Friends, Business, Family, etc. This way if you don’t want your business associates seeing your personal family photographs you can specify in the privacy settings.
If you’ve been hesitant to join Facebook, I hope this post has put your worries at ease. If you’re already on Facebook, I hope this post has taught you a few tips and tricks on how to use this powerful platform to promote yourself and your listings online.
Be sure to add me as a friend and let me know your thoughts and success stories!
Kim Anderson
Posted at 12:58h, 04 NovemberJames,
I couldn’t agree with you more regarding Facebook. I was encouraged to set up a profile in Facebook for Social Networking. I was STUNNED to see how many friends, clients and business associates already had profiles there. I had no idea.
I have just skimmed the surface but it has already proved to be a very valuable tool for me.
Wishing you continued success!
Chris Dowell
Posted at 13:11h, 04 NovemberFacebook works great for networking and keeping in contact with friends. I love it!
Kay Baker Wilmington NC Real Estate
Posted at 16:42h, 04 NovemberThank you so much for this post. It has really motivated me to network on Facebook. I have tried some of other social networks such as Squidoo and Digg.
Martin Bouma-Ann Arbor Real Estate Expert
Posted at 20:15h, 05 NovemberIt is amazing how many leads can come from the simple networking and contacts made on Facebook!
Mike Price
Posted at 10:42h, 07 NovemberJames,
You and Greg are doing an awesome job of spreading the word regarding social media. I’m very proud of you both. Keep up the good work.
Carnival of Real Estate #116 | The Seattle Specialist
Posted at 08:11h, 10 November[…] Social Media in Real Estate – Part 2: Facebook […]
Carnival of Real Estate #116 | Zillow® Blog
Posted at 13:36h, 10 November[…] House go Solar?” Geek Estate’s James Shiner also pulled in honors with his post, “Social Media in Real Estate — Part 2: Facebook.” Jim Reppond quips, “…Facebook can be a place for spreading real estate […]
Ned @ Baltimore Real Estate
Posted at 22:54h, 10 NovemberCongratulations on our selection in the blog carnival. Well deserved. I had already seen your article but it’s worth a second read.
Just today’s I saw an article that the biggest group of first time home buyers is young people who go to the Internet first when looking for real estate. So your post is timely.
James Shiner
Posted at 08:28h, 12 NovemberKim – Facebook, Twitter, ActiveRain, etc are all great ways to connect with old friends, associates, and family members. Social connections can certainly increase business and enhance connections.
James Shiner
Posted at 08:29h, 12 NovemberKay – Digg is another great way to connect and stay up to date with news, also be sure to check out my article on Twitter!
James Shiner
Posted at 08:30h, 12 NovemberMike – thanks for the kind words! We have a mission to spread the benefits of social media to all agents. It’s so powerful and best of all it’s FREE!
James Shiner
Posted at 08:31h, 12 NovemberNed – thanks! I was very excited to be included. I hope more agents see the use of social media in real estate and hop on board.
Roxanne Ardary - Mt. Laurel NJ
Posted at 18:08h, 23 JanuaryI stumbled across your blog while reading some carnival of real estate articles. Great tips to get started using Facebook. thanks
Jason Brown
Posted at 09:08h, 26 FebruaryBecause there’s so many social media options, I believe picking and choosing where you use your valuable time is important.
Chris Dowell
Posted at 08:36h, 01 MarchI agree with Jason Brown. There are so many options and choosing the right one is important because your time important. Choosing one that is fun as well works socially for networking is a plus.
Jason Brown
Posted at 06:30h, 02 MarchI agree with Chris Dowell – mostly because he agreed with me 🙂
Intergrating Facebook into your Real Estate Marketing « Social Media Solutions Blog
Posted at 06:20h, 01 June[…] Facebook into your Real Estate Marketing 01Jun09 Below is a great post from James Shiner, from GeekEstate, on intergrating Facebook into your Real Estate Strategy. Facebook is a phenomenon […]
Sharon McCarthy Steele
Posted at 20:57h, 12 AugustHi James,
I absolutely agree that FaceBook can be an invaluable tool for Marketing in Real Estate. I have found that by utilizing FaceBook for both friends and business, I can keep in touch with people in a quick and easy way. I am having a haard time convincing colleagues of the value the time spent can bring. Through FB I have been networking with agents across the country, learning invaluable tips from industry leaders, and most importantly, I am able to share with clients and friends on a consistent basis AND IT IS FUN!. I look forward to growing my business with all that technology has to offer, and i appreciate your informative posts.
I would LOVE if you would join my FB Group..
Sharon McCarthy Steele
Posted at 03:57h, 13 AugustHi James,
I absolutely agree that FaceBook can be an invaluable tool for Marketing in Real Estate. I have found that by utilizing FaceBook for both friends and business, I can keep in touch with people in a quick and easy way. I am having a haard time convincing colleagues of the value the time spent can bring. Through FB I have been networking with agents across the country, learning invaluable tips from industry leaders, and most importantly, I am able to share with clients and friends on a consistent basis AND IT IS FUN!. I look forward to growing my business with all that technology has to offer, and i appreciate your informative posts.
I would LOVE if you would join my FB Group..
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