You might remember just a few short weeks ago I wrote a post, here on GEB, coining the phrase “Human Aggregators”, entitled “Kiss Your RSS Good-Bye”. It was about how, using an application like Tweetdeck (Though Hootsuite and others would work as well), you could essentially reduce your time commitment on reading, recommending, and even commenting on Real Estate related blogs simply by placing your “trust” in the hands of the finest Blog Readers in Cyberspace!

I built a simple column in my Tweetdeck called, of course “Human Aggregators”. In it I chose an initial group of 24, of my then, 500 or so Tweeps. This 24 was whom I considered highly capable based on my years of following them on Twitter, meeting them at BarCamps, drinking with them, talking with them,  and in many cases going to them for help when I had a question regarding Real Estate on the Internet. I then stopped going to my Google Reader and simply clicked on their recommended “reads”, from their Tweets.  

I found that I cut the time, I had dedicated to this exercise, by more than 60%!!! While maintaining, and maybe even improving my exposure to quality Blog posts. Posts that were informative, educational, humorous, and down right entertaining. I love having that time back to dedicate to other useful activities like; My family, my friends, golf, coaching little league, and so many other things.

It’s not that I am telling everyone to do this, but if you are one of the 4.2 million Real Estate Agents struggling to get a handle on Social Media, give this a try! think of it as your “Training Wheels”, when you are ready, take em off and fly!…

…and to get you started, here are my “Top 10” “Human Aggregators” (in no particular order), as I have paired them down from 24…

@tcar – Todd Carpenter – SM Dir. for NAR – **Warning, his Tweets may be hazardous!
@ResPres – Jeff Turner – Pres. of ZeekInteractive – 6 kids, 1 wife! (love that line)
@FrancesFlynnTho – Frances Flynn-Thorson – AZ Real Estate Blogger – Trusted RE Source
@PhxREGuy – Jay Thompson – Phoenix RE Broker – “Tell it Like it is Blogger”
@BHGRE_Sherry – Sherry Chris – Better Homes & Garden – A true “Forward Thinkers”
@MLBroadcast – Mike Price – – Zillow’s Blog(s) Editor & Nice Guy
@EricStegemann – Eric Stegemann – Dir of Biz Dev @ Tribus – Brilliant & RE Focused
@pkitano – Pat Kitano – Co-Founder of Domus Group – Well Informed SM Strategist
@jburslem – Joel Burslem – 1000Watt Member – Founder FOREM Blog “Original” RENet’er
@nik_nik – Nicole Nicolay – CCO AgentRevolution – Editor @


** With nik_nik, you get “egg-roll”…meaning you also get the guy she sleeps with, @ReggieRPR – Reggie Nicolay – Dir of SM for RPR. Together they form one of the finest Duo’s in The RENet!

So there you have it! My “Top Ten” 🙂  if you have someone you think should make my list, let me know! I would love to have an opportunity to be edumacated by them. I will put them in my “HA in Waiting” column, and who knows, they may make it to “Big Leagues” some day 🙂

Stay Blogging My Friends!

The Coach – @TheRECoach