Startup Lesson: Consistency in Messaging
I came across Hometaurus today, as a result of them following me on Twitter. Their twitter bio states “Becoming The Largest Social Real Estate Network in America. Created by Agents and Manage by Agents. Sell Your Home Listing To The World”.
Yet, I clicked through to their site and in the upper right, all I see is “The Best Way to Market Your Listings”.
Nothing about a social real estate network.
There are ways to build a real estate social network (here is one). I’m not convinced what I see on the main site of Hometaurus is a viable strategy though.
The startup lesson in this?
Keep your messaging consistent across all your channels.
PS: Totally understand this is challenging at times given the number of different systems and pivots/tests startups are constantly doing, and I’ve been guilty of it from time to time as well with Oh Hey World.
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