Disruption ≠ Strategy
The real estate industry sees its fair share of startups looking to “disrupt” the real estate industry. That sounds great, but it’s not a strategy. Here’s a good read on the subject.
The real estate industry sees its fair share of startups looking to “disrupt” the real estate industry. That sounds great, but it’s not a strategy. Here’s a good read on the subject.
There have been many, many attempts at discount brokerage models, and those looking to dis intermediate the agent entirely over the past decade. Of course, Redfin and Zip Realty are two that come to mind first, because they reached fairly large scale and their brands…
This press release by SQFT was brought to my attention: SQFT, the world’s first fully transactional real estate app, is pleased to announce that its first electronic real estate listing is under contract at a price of $550,000. The seller, Helen Marshall of Boulder, Colorado…
I read some posts recently on Entrepreneur.com and GeekEstate about disrupting the Real Estate Industry. Disrupting the industry is a polite way to say, we are getting rid of Real Estate agents. In my opinion, there is only one way to disrupt the Real Estate industry….
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