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Tag: horizon

What’s the Dream?

What’s the Dream?

Every business has a dream; a vision for what the future holds. Those that don’t, likely aren’t accomplishing much. Ours at Horizon? Want to Know? What’s your dream?

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Horizon Early Beta

Horizon Early Beta

You probably already know we’ve been working on a new hospitality exchange app called Horizon. Who is it for? Millenials (18-34) who want to stay with trusted connections wherever they go (& save money in the process). Most of that millenial crowd can’t even afford…

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Upcoming Travel Schedule

Upcoming Travel Schedule

You all know I’m a travel addict. And news flash: that isn’t changing anytime soon. In a couple weeks, I’m headed back out on the travel trail. Well, more like the “moving” trail since I’ll be living in Santiago, Chile for 6 months as part of the Start-up…

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Horizon Logo

Horizon Logo

Naming a startup, and the branding that comes after, is certainly not easy. Given that I’ve written about naming and branding several times recently as we’ve been going through the exercise for our own startup (we are making a 2nd attempt at solving the missed…

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When A Startup with $9M Takes Your Brand Name

When A Startup with $9M Takes Your Brand Name

You may know that I’ve been thinking about brand names a lot, due to the fact that my co-founder and I have been going through the branding exercise ourselves for the private hospitality exchange app we are building. The name we had decided on (after lots…

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