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Tag: matterport

Revolutionizing Real Estate: How Mobile 3D LiDAR will Change the Industry

Revolutionizing Real Estate: How Mobile 3D LiDAR will Change the Industry

[Editor’s note: Originally published on Proptech Consulting.] The past few years have been a case study in finding creative solutions for unpredictable situations. The spread of the COVID-19 pandemic has impacted global market conditions for every industry segment. Because of the fundamental need for shelter,…

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3-D & Sotheby’s. Do Consumers Care?

3-D & Sotheby’s. Do Consumers Care?

Sotheby’s supports 3-D (Inman paywall article). That’s cool; some buyers will certainly get value from them. Zillow actually did this last year. Even if Sotheby’s did beat the big boys to the punch, the reality is it doesn’t really matter. If it gets great consumer pick up, Zillow / will…

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Redfin + Matterport. 3D is Here.

Redfin + Matterport. 3D is Here.

Apparently Redfin folks agree with me; Matterport is the real deal. They just released their 3D tours today… Which major brokerage is next in line?

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Matterport – 3D is Here

Matterport – 3D is Here

I first heard about Matterport quite some time ago, likely from a random blog post or tweet. Then Seth (Curb Call) recently told me about it after witnessing the technology first hand at Realogy FWD. But I still hadn’t taken a close look to truly understand how…

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