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Tag: past sales transactions

Dollar Value of Listing Inventory, by Brokerage?

Dollar Value of Listing Inventory, by Brokerage?

@gregofisch @drewmeyers Sure just a ballpark here. What is the dollar value of stuff currently associated with each brokerage. — Gahlord Dewald (@gahlord) August 27, 2015 Does anyone check this statistic weekly, or even monthly, as a way to keep tabs on your competitors? Anyone…

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Zillow Nails Past Solds Feature

Zillow Nails Past Solds Feature

Zillow toyed with past sales branding/data back in 2008 with the Virtual Sold Sign program way back in 2008 (while I worked there). It took a backseat on the priority list for awhile, but it seems they have finally nailed the feature. Here’s a short video…

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