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Tag: property management

How Technology Has Changed the Property Management Industry

How Technology Has Changed the Property Management Industry

Arguably, every industry across the board has been affected by the ever-changing advancements in technology. While the real estate space can generally be slow to adopt change, the property management industry has truly embraced the expanding role of technology in recent years. New technology is…

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Meet the Real Estate Tech Founder: Daniel Shaked from Home365

Meet the Real Estate Tech Founder: Daniel Shaked from Home365

In our latest real estate tech entrepreneur interview, we’re speaking with Daniel Shaked from Home365. Without further ado… Who are you and what do you do? I am the CEO and Founder of Home365.  We are a new breed of property management companies which leverages…

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Real Estate Tech Interview with Max Nussenbaum from Castle

Real Estate Tech Interview with Max Nussenbaum from Castle

In our latest real estate tech interview, I’m talking to Max Nussenbaum from Castle, a flat-fee property management startup out of Detroit. What do you do? Castle manages rental property for landlords using automation and on-demand labor, providing a property management experience that’s more affordable, more efficient, and…

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