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Tag: real estate photography

Meet the Real Estate Tech Founder: Darryl Glade from Stilio

Meet the Real Estate Tech Founder: Darryl Glade from Stilio

In our latest real estate tech entrepreneur interview, we’re speaking with co-founder and CEO of Stilio, Darryl Glade. He’s another founder I met in New York a couple weeks ago. Without further ado… What do you do? I am part of the incredible Stilio team…

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False Advertising, and Sunny Photos

False Advertising, and Sunny Photos

Geek Estate got one visitor the other day from searching for the following term: how to make photos look sunny in photoshop You know what? Maybe you should just show a property in it’s real state? If it’s cloudy everyday, maybe you should show the…

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IDX Copyrighted Photo Trouble?

IDX Copyrighted Photo Trouble?

Can you be sued because of another Broker’s mis-use of copyrighted images? If a Broker lists a home and uploads copyrighted images as part of their listing feed, which is then in turn placed in  RETS/IDX, which you promptly display on your site — the…

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Adobe Photoshop CS6 Extended Makes Every Day Sunny In Florida

Adobe Photoshop CS6 Extended Makes Every Day Sunny In Florida

I grew up in Chicago and kids had to choose between the White Sox or the Cubs as their favorite team. Since there has only been one World Series winner between both teams since 1917, choices are not the best. Anyway, my team was the…

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