[Note from editor: The “Mastermind Showcase” highlights companies and news from members of the GEM. Today’s showcase: Endpoint.]

A mobile-first title and escrow company company, Endpoint is working to deliver a hassle-free closing process. It provides agents, buyers, and sellers with real-time progress tracking and notifications, in-app messaging, e-signatures and document management, and access to a dedicated closing team. Buyers can also securely transfer funds within the app, and when it’s time to sign physical documents, Endpoint sends free mobile notaries.

Endpoint currently operates in Washington, California, Arizona, and Texas, and offers a flat escrow rate of $1,000 or less depending on state.

What we like: Spun out of First American in 2019 with $30 million in funding, the company added another $40 million to its coffers late last year. Endpoint has the flexibility to iterate as a standalone entity with support from a corporate titan with tentacles into every facet of the real estate industry.

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