DriveBuy HomepageI had the pleasure of interviewing Dylan Schleppe, Austin entrepreneur who launched DriveBuy, a real estate tool that allows home buyers to quickly and efficiently get detailed listing information by simply sending a text message from their cell phones.

I’ve been using Dylan’s system for some time now and love the ease of use. See our video podcast (embedded below) for more information about Dylan’s background, features of DriveBuy and some hot tips for agents.


  • Buyers get instant information on properties via text message.
  • Without speaking to an agent, you can get the home’s square footage, number of bed and bathrooms, price, and other basic information.
  • The agent can text message e-flyers or additional information to you within seconds.


  • Respond to inquiries immediately with additional information.
  • Do not attempt to leave out important details that buyers want, such as price and basic featuers.
  • Do not call the buyer unless they show interest or ask.