“What do I write about?” and “I don’t have time to write”

It’s the classic content problem. I hear those two sentiments almost daily from real estate agents around the country. Once you have a blog or website (ideally, they should be integrated into one website) setup, you still have to attract traffic to it for it to produce business for you. Even the best converting websites on the planet are largely worthless if you can’t get traffic to them.

Content is important for two reasons:

  1. Traffic acquisition – quality unique content is the biggest driver of organic search traffic.
  2. Engagement – once you attract traffic, you want to keep them interested with fresh content to maximize the chances they end up as return traffic.

For those that don’t want to produce content, here are a couple options to consider:

Hire a Freelance Writer or Virtual Assistant: Freelance writers are a great way to populate your website with great 100% unique content on a consistent basis. Frankly, given how many times I hear the complaint about the time it takes to produce content, I’m surprised more agents and brokers don’t take this route. Cost is across the board, depending on the experience and quality of the writer you’re hiring.

Bring the Blog: They write real estate and mortgage content on a daily basis and automatically post that content to your blog so there is always something new to read. The content is generic, but they do substitute your keywords into the content where possible. Here is an example blog post. I’ve known Dan Green a long time, and anything he does is something to take seriously in my mind. Cost is $57 per month.

Or, you could employ both tactics at once to increase both your engagement once you have attracted someone and maximize the chances of attracting organize SEO traffic.

How are you handling your content problem?