The Screaming Horde
I wrote “Here Ye, Here Ye, Read All About it” 4 years ago. The noise hasn’t gone away. In fact, it’s the opposite. It’s gotten exponentially worse (that’s the time suck economy at work).
Today, because noise is everywhere, we’re all surrounded by a screaming horde, an open-outcry marketplace of ideas where the race to be heard appears to be the only race that matters. And so subtlety flies out the window, along with a desire to engage for the long haul. Just a troop of gorillas, all arguing over the last remaining banana.
What actually works in a noisy environment isn’t more noise—it’s the challenging work of earning the benefit of people telling people.
The horde screams as loud as they can, as often as they can. Do you have a strategy for ignoring the noise? How about a strategy for breaking through the noise with your message? Is the value you offer worth telling other people about? If yes, great. If no, you may want to consider a new career.
Please, please don’t settle for being a member of the horde screaming worthless garbage at the top of your lungs 24/7. You can do better.
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