The Ten Commandments of a Successful IDX Solution
The Internet is changing the way that Realtors do business and market themselves to such an extent that some will just not be around in a few short years. Survival of the fittest is the way of the world, and the fittest in real estate will be those agents and brokers who understand the new Internet consumer and how to engage them from first contact through a commission.
The very first contact that most of you with websites or blogs will have with a consumer will usually be their visit to your site to search for listings. And, you will probably never know that they were there. They come anonymously, and they want to stay that way. They want to find homes or land that meets their requirements and, on this first visit, they do not want to be contacted or to talk to you. If you ever want to talk to these people, ever, then pay heed to the TEN COMMANDMENTS OF IDX.
I. Thou shalt not underestimate IDX.
It doesn’t matter whether it’s a buyer or seller visiting your website or blog for the first time. Surveys have shown that 95+% of first time visitors for listing searches want to see all of the listings in the MLS, not just yours. Not having IDX will cost you huge amounts of future web-generated business. Again, no IDX, no leads, no business.
II. Thou shalt not make assumptions about your visitors.
Successful Web real estate lead generating site owners will all tell you the same thing. They have had clients tell them that the business came to them because other online Realtors dismissed, ignored or underestimated them. They were visiting the sites months before they were ready to talk to anyone, and the site owner didn’t serve them well in this phase. Though they aren’t ready to get into the car with you right now, they do not want to be ignored until you think they are a “hot” prospect.
III. Thou must take ownership of your IDX.
Do you think you’ve diverted a bullet, getting an IDX link for your web presence by linking out to your broker’s site? Would you take every one of your walk-in prospects into your broker’s office, introduce them, and leave them there to be served? Don’t send your prospects off to be served by others by not having an IDX solution ON your site.
IV. Thou shalt not secret away your IDX.
How does a site visitor get to your IDX search page? Don’t make it a tiny button, or make them go through several clicks to find it. If you’re doing PPC, bring them straight to the search page if that’s the key phrase you’re marketing. Make it a highly visible one-click link from your home page.
V. Thou shalt make IDX easy to use.
Web visitors are not patient people. They want to locate listings by characteristics, location, price, school systems, and in other ways. Make the search process easy for them to find homes the way they want to find them.
VI. Thou should be generous with other information and tools.
If you were buying a home in a new area, what would you want to know? Give your visitors interactive maps, calculators for mortgages, gadgets for climate information, shopping and banking locations, and more. Give them easy access to information and tools to determine what it will be like to live in the home on the screen. And, lots of photos!
VII. Thou shalt deliver.
Once a visitor has decided that your IDX search is a good one for them, don’t lose them to another who makes it even easier to use. Give them the ability to create custom searches with their criteria and have new listings delivered to their email. This is the delivery that will keep them coming back and keep you on the top of their mind when the timing is right.
VIII. Thou shalt promote your visitors to management for leads.
Once these visitors are using your site and IDX, give them the ability to log in to manage their accounts, including multiple saved searches. This is great for them, but it’s even better for you … now you have that email address lead to market.
IX. Thou shalt always be right there.
No matter what screen they are looking at, no matter how many homes they view, always have an easy one-click link to email you. When they are finally ready to ask a question and get personal, don’t make them search around for contact information.
X. Thou shalt never sit still.
The most difficult target to hit is the one that’s moving, and the Internet and your prospects are moving constantly. Use an IDX solution provider who understands this and stays on the leading edge of Internet consumer engagement.
There you are. If you can live by those 10 IDX commandments on your website or blog, success will be yours in online real estate business generation.
Chuck Gillooley
Posted at 10:23h, 12 JanuaryThat’s all good, I’m a big fan of iDX. The big question is which iDX solution do you think is the best one out there?
Hawaii real estate guy
Posted at 11:10h, 12 JanuaryChuck, obviously he thinks his is the best. That is why he is writing this stuff. He makes some good points. You definitely need to keep it simple to use for the user or they are off to the next. I am an agent and have a hard time using some of the solutions out there. Some have too much crap popping up at you. Just keep it simple and easy to use!
Chuck Gillooley
Posted at 11:17h, 12 JanuaryThanks Jeff. Yeah, I was aware of the connection, and admittedly the question was a bit loaded. I am using Diverse Solutions but with mixed results. I researched quite a bit before I settled on them. They seem to be the best out there, but “best” is a relative term. It just means you’re better than the rest, which isn’t saying much in the iDX space.
If you have any suggestions, I’m open to kicking some more tires.
Andrew Mattie
Posted at 14:46h, 12 January@Chuck: What else would you like to see us work on? We’re _always_ open to suggestions, and we constantly work to improve what we have to offer. In fact, we’re cooking up some really fantastic stuff right now that we’re certain will impress everyone!
-Andrew Mattie, Diverse Solutions (and occasional Geek Estate blogger)
Hawaii real estate guy
Posted at 15:02h, 12 January@Chuck – Yes, Diverse Solutions seems to be one of the better ones out there. Not sure how user friendly it is, but agents seem to like it.
We have created our own and will be offering it to other agents once we get more developed. It probably will not have as many bells and whistles as others, but will be very simple for the user to use and be very efficient at capturing leads. We know that is very important in selling real estate.
Chuck Gillooley
Posted at 15:11h, 12 JanuaryAndrew,
Thanks for checking in. I have a specific list of issues that I need someone’s help with at DS — perhaps this blog isn’t the best place to do it. If you wouldn’t sending me an email @ [email protected] I’d be happy to share my concerns with you…
Or, if you’d like to work it thru here, I’m good to go.
Peyman Aleagha
Posted at 15:23h, 12 JanuaryChuck,
Obviously I am cheering for RealtySoft Free IDX. If you are prepared to spend hundreds of dollars a month you can look at other IDX solutions out there but RealtySoft IDX is completely free even if you don’t have your website with us. What is the catch? There is no catch, we just think that if you like our IDX solution you might decide to purchase our websites and print marketing solutions.
We have a very simple GUI and we are not going to change that! When you present a user with 20 options on a page you are confusing them and you stray away from the main point which is SEARCHING FOR HOMES!
Check out our current MLS coverage by visiting
Peyman Aleagha
Greg Tracy
Posted at 01:15h, 13 JanuaryCheck out BlueRoof360- custom websites, not templates.
Judy Peterson
Posted at 04:58h, 13 JanuaryFree is good,but I don’t think you work with my Trend MLS. I’m using ihomefinder right now and I’m very pleased with their features and reliability. The back end is a little clunky though.
Peyman Aleagha
Posted at 07:44h, 13 JanuaryJudy,
We are currently working on TREND and its scheduled to be released before the end of January along with 20 other MLSs.
Peyman Aleagha
Meg Zoller-Houston Realtor
Posted at 19:08h, 13 JanuaryYour ten commandments are great for all of us to keep in mind, esp your example of “leaving your prospects in your brokers office to be served ” Good point.
Martin Bouma -Ann Arbor Realtor
Posted at 19:28h, 13 JanuaryThanks for iterating how very important having your own IDX can be-especially now as we are all trying to draw in clients, the last thing we want is to direct them somewhere else.
Scott Patterson-South Florida Realtor
Posted at 22:43h, 13 JanuaryYou can never realize how important that little “contact me” link showing up on every page is until you look for one and can’t find it; that is a huge one, thanks for pointing it out.
Chuck Gillooley
Posted at 22:43h, 13 JanuaryAndrew…
So, what new features are planned for Diverse Solutions? You have everyone’s interest piqued….
John Kalinowski
Posted at 07:06h, 14 JanuaryPeyman – I am interested in your product, and I sent a message through your website’s contact system two days ago, but haven’t received a response. Here’s basically what I sent:
“Your site shows Northern Ohio Real Estate Info Systems (NORIS) for Ohio, but I am not familiar with that MLS system. Northern Ohio has two major MLS sytems, NORMLS and CRIS, which are merging this month to form Northeast Ohio Real Estate Exchange, or NEOHREX. Do you expect to support that system, which will be fairly large, and if so what is the timeline?”
John Kalinowski
Liquid Blue Realty
Peyman Aleagha
Posted at 08:41h, 14 JanuaryJohn – Sorry I was out of the office yesterday, just got back this morning. Please check your email!
Peyman Aleagha
Eileen Schreiber
Posted at 09:00h, 14 JanuaryI receive about 90% of my buyers through my website, which is a site for Flagstaff, Arizona that uses customized IDX searches. Buyers can click on a picture and see what they want. I have absolutely no idea what inspired me to create this site. It was born of necessity and it works wonders. The company I use, Cevado, is excellent in customer service. I love them, I love IDX, I love the buyers it brings!
Feel free to email me with questions, I’m happy to help!
James Wedgeworth-Hiltion Head Realtor
Posted at 20:01h, 14 JanuaryI have to agree with the VI tons; the more you can share and keep someone on your site, the more likely they will come back again and again and ultimatly, hopefully, choose you to either sell their home or show them homes.
Leon Blenky-One Bal Harbour
Posted at 20:23h, 14 JanuaryWonderful that you put these all down in a commandment list-you covered all the big ones!
Cedar Rapids Real Estate
Posted at 19:54h, 17 JanuaryMost IDX solutions are too expensive for most Realtors/Brokerages. I have to look at ROI as a determining factor when using IDX and so after much research, I went with They have a fantastic back office with enough stats to either drive you crazy or get you excited. They were running a deal for $29.95 per month, no contract, and no set up fees. I have the best IDX solution in my area and I’m getting a lion’s share of the leads. Conversion rates are another story. I know that most visitors that register are “kicking the tires” and aren’t ready to buy for at least three to four months. I get impatient like any other Realtor when I can’t get a hold of a contact because they either won’t answer their phone or the phone number is bogus. I usually don’t give up until I speak with them at least once, and then I usually drip them for eleven or twelve emails. I would like to find more information on successful conversion rate programs that have worked for other Realtors, if anyone is willing to share. Thanks!
Posted at 06:35h, 18 JanuaryMy thoughts on conversion rates. Yes, most people who enjoy the freedom of IDX really do NOT want to speak with “pushy” realtors. We have this thing that we have to contact them and convert them to buyers. If they are on the web, they are independent, smart enough to figure it out, and really not in need of our help UNTIL THEY ARE READY TO ASK FOR IT. So maybe instead of demanding from yourself that you speak to them, send a friendly, helpful, warm email letting them know that you are available for questions, and let them alone. Follow up a couple of times. I know that goes against “marketing strategies” but today’s Buyer really doesn’t need a Realtor until they are ready to see properties or have specific questions. When my buyers do contact me, they are grateful I didn’t harass them. Just some thoughts.
Chuck Gillooley
Posted at 06:52h, 18 January@Eileen,
I agree with your approach. I have had zero success with hard-sell tactics and pushy follow-up, as it normally results in scaring away potential clients. I like to think that I earn the right to my reader’s business over a period of time by providing them with a valuable real estate resource (the blog and the iDX access.) A warm follow-up email every so often is enough to weed out the serious buyers from the tire kickers.
Those who are indeed close to the buying/selling stage will normally engage you at this point. Those who aren’t won’t. That’s the simple reality of the online world, and how our client’s use it.
An interesting example…I recently took a “free test drive” on an iDX system — just wanted to see how it compared to what I already have. I must have gotten 5 phone calls and countless emails from this company trying to “convert” me. That pushy approach certainly didn’t work for me, so I can’t imagine my clients would like it either.
Eileen Schreiber
Posted at 07:45h, 18 JanuaryHi again! That is my experience. I get calls every day from a company wanting to sell me a service. If I am even mildly interested, I say ‘ OK, we are both in sales, what is it and how much?” LOL. I simply assume that people surfing the web are the same as me.. when they need me they will ask, and then I really need to follow up ASAP. Otherwise, give them such a great website, they wouldn’t dare go somewhere else!
Thanks for your reply. It is VERY difficult to “convert” surfers to buyers, but almost every single of my buyers last year came from my website so I know it works.
Cedar Rapids Real Estate
Posted at 08:03h, 18 JanuaryChuck and Eileen, great comments. You know it was interesting that before MLS stats were free and available to the public, people had to find me on Google for my #1 key search phrase. Once they found me, they registered and inquired about receiving listings. 90% of the time, they never gave phone number, so I just emailed them and kept in touch with them through drip campaign. Now, there’s a lot more competition for MLS listings from various PPC websites and other organic sites creeping up in the Search Engines. I’ve seem to have forgotten what got me sales in the first place. No need to call unless you want to leave a friendly message to assist when they are ready. Just email them with a helpful email offering assistance and let the “potential customer” slowly gain confidence and trust in your website and your services. As a former elementary school teacher, thanks Eileen and Chuck for the friendly reminder!!!! Christopher
Chuck Gillooley
Posted at 10:30h, 18 JanuaryJust to clarify…I’m certainly not saying that a more aggressive approach doesn’t work. It really boils down to how you like to operate and what you’re comfortable with. Some agents love cold calling, others hate it…yet both are successful by their own definition.
The important point is to be able to read the pulse of your clients. If they don’t want to be hassled, don’t hassle them. If they like frequent attention, shower them with it. And last but not least, sell the way your most comfortable. Play to your strengths!
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Posted at 18:19h, 18 January[…] Unger presents The Ten Commandments of a Successful IDX Solution posted at GeekEstate BlogThis author doesn’t parse words here in an attempt to make you feel […]
Richard Ortiz
Posted at 14:33h, 22 NovemberTEN COMMANDMENTS OF IDX who would of thought.. excellent!
These are very good points that I now will take note when updating my website. It makes sense!!
Richard Ortiz
Posted at 22:33h, 22 NovemberTEN COMMANDMENTS OF IDX who would of thought.. excellent!
These are very good points that I now will take note when updating my website. It makes sense!!