Who kept all his cash in a bucket.

But his daughter, named Nan,

Ran away with a man

And as for the bucket, Nantucket

I’ll bet you thought it went differently, didn’t you? but this is the original limerick as it appeared in the newspaper in 1924.

So what’s my point? Simple, “Perception is Reality”, we all think of this limerick in a much different way. It is our “Perception” that it has it’s roots in obscenity. Well in the world of Internet Real Estate, “Perception is Reality” as well. When a Realtor is non-participatory in the on line realm, the perception is such that they are somehow “unprofessional or Ignorant”. Is it true? Not necessarily, but who cares? The Internet consumer looks at it that way!

Having a “FUNCTIONAL” website with an easy to maintain CRM is the very least a Realtor MUST do to survive this pivotal transition in our business. Don’t try to talk your self out of it, because it is a wave, ney a TIDAL WAVE, you can not stop! Many before you have tried and failed. Here are my ABC’s of possessing an on line presence…

A) Simply having an on line presence combats the perception spoken of above.

B) Your next level of competence with this tool brings a new level of “communication” to your business model. Think about the way generation “Y” and the majority of generation “X” communicate…MySpace, Facebook, IM, YouTube…What do you think these are? WEBSITES!

C) Finally, after you have educated yourself (Yes, you must learn yet another Skill Set, but that’s what professionals do!) This becomes the ultimate (until someone comes up with something bigger than the Internet) Lead Generation Tool.

Change the perception of who you are, “Get in the Game!”

Best of Luck!

The Coach