Virtual Results makes beautiful, and functional, web sites.

And they recently announced a new product, “Predesigned Websites that Work“.

To sweeten the pot they are having a drawing for a FREE setup of a “WtW” (I just made that “WtW” up) — saving you, assuming you win, $699…

Both Drew Meyers and Jim Marks are currently at Inman Connect in New York City. If you’re there, just find them and hand them a card. They won’t be hard to find.

Are you like me and didn’t make it to ICNY this year? No problem, they’ve got that covered too. Just go to the post about how you can enter from anywhere and you too can save $699 on what promises to be a killer website.

Current beta clients of Virtual Results are eligible to win too. Check the post for details.

I know Jim and Drew personally. And trust me, they know their stuff…